Jaeyoon Choi

📧 jaeyoon.choi (at) uci.edu 🎓 UC Irvine 📍 Irvine, CA


Hi there! 😎✨

I am a PhD student in Education at the University of California, Irvine, advised by Dr. Nia Nixon and Dr. Mark Warschauer. My research is at the intersection of Learning Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and Algorithm Fairness.

Specifically, I focus on:

  1. Building machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) models to understand how students and AI interact

  2. Addressing and mitigating algorithmic biases to promote fairness in education

  3. Developing statistical and computational tools for learning analytics.

I previously earned my MS in Learning Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison working with Dr. David Williamson Shaffer at Epistemic Analytics lab and Dr. Shamya Karumbaiah at Science of Ethically Augmented Learning lab.

Before that, I earned BA in Education and BA in Statistics at Korea University.